Sunday, May 30, 2010

Way to Go Silver Mesa Singers!

I co-direct the children's choir at our elementary school.    At the end of the year awards ceremony we sang three numbers..and WOW these kids pulled it off and did a great job!  They sang out, sang strong and even remembered dynamics.  I had such a great time directing them..I was smiling ear to ear and my heart swelled with pride.    I love these kids.  Here are a few pictures I managed to snap just before the program started. I wish I had been able to take more.  

Darling yes?!  


We sang "One Small Voice," "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing," and "Thank You for the Music."  It was great!

I am looking forward to next year...there are a few things I would like to do and I hope I can give it a whirl!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

And We Have a Seminary Graduate!

Eric graduated from Seminary Sunday night!  It was hard for me to not sit there and bawl the whole time.  I knew I was grateful for the seminary program but I guess I was surprised at how much !  I saw and felt how much this program, studying the scriptures and learning from amazing teachers for the past four years  has impacted these boys...and most of all my own son.   He has enjoyed "feasting upon the word"  He has gained a testimony of his own.  He has come to know Jesus Christ better.  I could see and feel that.  I am grateful!  

The Sunridge Ward Senior Boys.  These boys have grown up together in our ward and Sunday night they all graduated from seminary.  Yahoo!  It is hard to believe that college and missions are next...!  

And I have watched these boys grow up together too...from elementary school on.  It is sort of surreal to see them all grown up, preparing to go to college and serve missions.  What an exciting time!  
Congratulations boys!  

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Well, now...

Jonathan scored second place in the G force Competition at Lagoon's Physics Day. This is apparently a statewide competition between schools.

They conduct G force experiments on this

They also had to create an "egg drop box" that was designed in such a way that when dropped from the SkyRide it would land on a target below and the egg would remain intact.  In this experiment Jonathan and Tyler Wood paired up as a team ..and wow what a team!  It was so much fun to watch these two boys work together.

He worked very hard and I am so proud of him in scoring 2nd place in the state!

I wish I had taken pictures of Jonathan and Tyler working together to create the perfect egg box.  They experimented for hours and days, redesigning, re-doing, dropping the egg box from our roof, a second story window etc.  What passion!  What determination!

Thanks to Mr. Brian LeStarge (who won best science teacher in the state of Utah) for inspiring and teaching all the kids at Churchill Jr High to reach high and have fun with science.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Something I Need to Wrap My Head and Heart Around....

I think I have this thing figured out and then I realize I still don't...

But, I think I have decided to finally surrender....

and Trust.....

and know that I (and my family) are in His Hands...

He has a plan.....

and all that we go through can be for our good ...

and give us experience....

grant us wisdom......

and teach us that without a doubt ..We have a Father in Heaven who will give us what we need to pull through any challenge and therefore learn that He knows us personally and loves us.

So I Surrender...

Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught us how we can benefit from adversity by relying on Christ. He said, " the Lord is intent on our personal growth and development... Progress is accelerated when we willingly allow Him to lead us through every growth experience we encounter... If we question every unpleasant challenge... we make it harder for the Lord to bless us. But if we center our hearts and minds on the Lord's will, we will gain more happiness in the journey and more fulfillment in life." 

Orson F Whitney of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles helped us understand the purpose of adversity. He said, " No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude and humility. All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the children of God... and it is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire. " 

Michael's Birthday Party

This year it was a family party year for Michael's birthday.  His big day started off with his birthday breakfast. He requested crepes with nutella and bananas.  I didn't get pictures of that.  

In the afternoon we went to Avatar together.  Most of the family had seen it but Michael and Jacob had not.  I love that movie!  

In the evening, we had Michael's birthday dinner.  He requested homemade pizza.  This is a favorite activity/dinner at our house.  Everyone enjoys this.  

Dinner was followed by presents.  As tradition requires everyone gives a gift of some kind, anything they can afford.  It is fun to see what everyone comes  up with.  This is Jacob doing "heavy heavy hangs over thy poor head.  What do you wish the giver?"  Jacob gave Michael a cool water bottle that he can use for soccer games and practices.  

Michael, as you can see was very happy about getting this lego set.  He has been talking about his birthday for almost the past month and he really wanted this.

And this... a wooden "musket" like the ones they used at a scout camp.  He also received a big foam nerf sword from his big brothers.   He loves to dress up in "armour" and have a war with anyone who is game.  Ahhh...legos, weapons, a pocket knife, a musket, and what else would any 11 year old boy want?  
Ahh yes.... an electric scooter!!  Yep, we are going to give that a try.   

Happy Birthday Michael!  We love you!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Saying Goodbye...

I have been asked to help with cub scouts, so last Sunday I said goodbye to these darling kids I teach in primary. They are adorable and precious to me. I have enjoyed teaching them and sharing in this special year of their lives...the year that they choose to be baptized.

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Not that I haven't shed a few tears over this change..and scratched my head and wondered a little.... I trust that there is a plan.... and I consider it a great blessing to be able to serve anywhere in this church.

I feel so blessed to be a part of anything that I am asked to do and I know that I can do some good anywhere I am asked to serve with the Lord's help.

Nothing makes me happier that just serving my Heavenly Father..especially when it is in quiet ways and it is known only to Him what I do. If I feel He is pleased with me and my efforts then that is about the best feeling one can feel, especially if you see you are making a difference in someone's life..(especially 7 year olds..are they the cutest or what? I just love these kids!!!!) That may sound very "special" but that it truly how I feel.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Eric's Graduation Announcement!

Eric is set to graduate in a mere few weeks!  It seems surreal to me but it is really happening.  I am so proud of him and all that he has accomplished!

In honor of Eric's splendid high school career, here is a list of some of his accomplishments:

-Performed in three musicals, Beauty and the Beast, Suessical the Musical and Curtains
-Performed in Concert Choir (3 yrs), Men's Ensemble (JR year)  and Vocal Ensemble (Senior Year)
-Scored a 1-the highest score in the state solo competition!
-Excellent Pianist.  Accompanies his choir a bit and we love to hear him perform.  Performed in the Talent Show.
-Maintains his 3.7 G.P.A.  Thanks to a Math 1050 (college level class) he didn't quite make it to the 3.9 but he consistently gets All A's and a B+ except for one quarter of that darn college level math class...But we are still so proud of him!
-Eagle Scout!
-Has toured every year with the Performing Arts and Productions company of Hillcrest High for the past three years.
-This year he sang the solo of Don't Stop Believin' (The popular Glee Club version) at DISNEYLAND!!!  And he did an awesome job.
-And  with all of this Eric is truly humble.  His parents gush with pride over him but he just doesn't seem to get why it is all such a big deal.

We are so proud of this boy and love love love him.  He is a truly nice person, kind, helpful, polite and fun to be around.  He has a great sense of humor and always makes us laugh.  He is a peacemaker in our home and is always on the look out for ways to help.  He loves learning and is always reading!!  I hoped to have a great reader and he has surpassed my goal.

Congratulations to Eric for years of hard work...always striving to do his best. We are proud to be his Mom and Dad and are grateful for the wonderful example he sets for his younger brothers.

Eric has chosen to go to BYU Idaho in the Fall. A bunch of his cousins are going and he is going to room with his cousin Craig Vanwagenen.  We hope he has the time of his life.  He is only going for one semester and then coming home to work for a few months before he leaves on his MISSION!  Whoa!

Life is good exciting...I am so proud of this boy...but man oh man sometimes I just can't believe time goes so fast.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Michael!!!

Well, despite my pleadings Michael went ahead and did it anyway:

Michael turned 11!

You know what this means?  He is my fourth child and by now I know that I have one more precious year to enjoy this boy as my "little" boy.  He isn't so little but things really change when that twelfth birthday comes.   My mommy heart aches a little... (no let's be honest a lot) 

Here are 11 things I adore about this boy:

1-Michael is a truly good person.  He came that way.  Once in awhile,  he tries to "act" naughty as if he is trying it out to see how it feels.  While he "acts" this way he tries to keep himself from laughing because he knows I'm on to him.  He doesn't have a mean bone in his body.  He is a truly nice, considerate, respectful, kind, unselfish person.  This is one reason why his friends really like him.

2-Michael has the most unique and creative imagination. This shows up in his artwork and story "books" he writes.  His art is so cute and original.  Other people notice and adore his artwork as much as I do.  I am proud of him.

3-Michael has an amazing sense of humor.  This quiet, unassuming boy says some of the most surprisingly funny things at just the right times making all of us laugh.

4-He is the very best friend and buddy Jacob will ever have.  Jacob can be feisty and Michael is so nice to him anyway.  Is that a blessing or what?  These two have a very special bond. I hope that never changes because their close friendship is truly a strength and a blessing to them both.  

5-I love how Michael notices everything and takes time to smell the roses.  When he is outside he will notice things in nature that we over look because he slows down enough to notice and appreciate the world around him.  He reminds his A-type personality Mom to slow down and enjoy... I have come to appreciate his "Michael mode" because he forces me to slow down.

6-Michael is a really good friend.  He usually only has one or two close friends at a time.  Unfortunately some of his friends have moved away.  But he always finds a new friend to replace a friend who moves away.   And he really knows how to pick 'em!  I am always so impressed with who he spends time with.  His friends are all so very nice just like he is.

7-Michael loves technology!  One of his favorite things to do is take pictures and create computer animated stories.  He is very creative and is the only child in my family who has his own blog.  You can check out his blog here.

6-I love that Michael has caught onto the fun of reading.  I love to see him curled up in some corner reading a book.

7-Michael is a blossoming pianist.  His creativeness shines through here too.  He loves to create his own arrangements of songs he is learning and does such a great job.  He especially loves to play jazz and the blues along with his share of the classics.  I have loved watching his musical talents grow.  He played the piano at Christmas for his 5th grade Christmas program.

8-Although he is outgrowing this (darn!) he has an adorable fascination with dogs and little furry animals. He has loved stuffed animals and enjoys his hamster Bobo.  He keeps begging me for guinea pigs, rats (no!), all kinds of doggies and more.

9-He is humble..enough said.  What a great trait!

10-He always says, "bye Mom, I love you!" when I drop him off at school.

11-His eyes still sparkle with excitement when I show up to help with something at his school.  

We love you Michael!