Friday, September 7, 2012

A typical morning at our house this year

As the years go by, I have noticed that our mornings have a different twist .. depending on who leaves when and how old our kids are.

Last year our morning routine was like this...

6 am-up, breakfast for Joe,
6:30-off to the bus at 6:30, and continue a quick walk/fun until about 7 am
7am-  I would make breakfast, pray and read my scritpures.
7:30 am - Breakfast for Jon, Michael, and Jacob.
7:40 am - Take Jon to school at about 7:40 ish.
8:00 - Take Michael and Jacob to school
9:00-ish. Scott would get up.  (I know this is so late.)

Years ago I was up at 6 am to walk with a dear friend Jennifer Spinti... that changed when Eric started middle school.  I loved started my day this way.

This year..has been a bit more crazy.

6am- Joe and Jon up at around 6 am.
6:20 am- Jon showers and grooms, get ready for the day.   Yes, it takes him about an hour.
6:35-Prayer at the door with Joe as he leaves for the bus.
7:00--ish  Breakfast with Jon.
 7:20 am Prayer at the door before we leave for Brighton High.
7:30 am-Michael and Jacob up.
8:00 am Breakfast with Michael and Jacob.   We try to leave at 8:10 am, so I don't need to make two trips to Silver Mesa Elementary.  Jacob's school starts by 8:20 am.   Michael gets on the bus at the church across the street from the school by 8:30 am.
8:30 am Then I run back home and begin waking up Scott at 8:30, get him dressed, fed
9:00 am Scott off to preschool.

Whew!  I breathe a big sigh of relief when I pull in the garage after the last child has been delivered to their designated school.

That is how it goes on a good day.  But, many days this year this is how it really went:

7 am -I sleep in  (stress)
6:15 - am Jon is already up showering (he gets up at 6:15 or so)  I go downstairs and try to rouse my senior in highschool out of bed.  Sometimes Jon too.. (but rarely)
7:25 - am Joe finally rolls out of bed.
7:40 - Eric to takes Joe or Jon to school. We have a very rushed prayer at the door.. but we do it.
7:30ish am-If I am taking Jon to school, he drives the car to school with me.  I drive back home...
7:45ish - Michael and Jacob are still not out of bed even though I woke them at 7:30 and even though they have an alarm clock too!  They roll out of bed, have a quick breakfast, prayer, and leave for school at about 8:15.. which made Jacob late a lot in the third quarter of school this year.  Then I sit in the car and chat with Michael until his bus comes at about 8:30.  Then I hurry home and work to wake up Scott who was up yet again too late... and we get him to preschool about 5 min late almost every day.

No.. I am not proud of this.  But this has been reality this year... yes... that is how it is sometimes.

I am bound and determined to make things work better next year... even though it is only the end of May, I am already re-thinking and making new plans...

Ahhh such is life.
Fall 2009

The after school schedule is a killer....

Every single day I drive children multiple locations.

Football pick up and drop off every single day
Scouts-two cub scouts two separate den activities
two sets of piano lessons, one in which I must sit and watch
pick up a carpool at Churchill Jr High twice each week
drop off at friends
Soccer practice each week
Oh, and let's not forget the musical at Hillcrest.  Lots and lots and lots of afterschool rehearsals requiring pick ups.

There are literally days when it is physically, logistically impossible for me to do it all.

We always close our eyes and push through September, October and November.  By the end of November the musical is done, and football and soccer winds down.  Then we just go back to our less insane schedule of JUST carpools, piano lessons, scouts, atleast for just a couple of weeks until basketball begins!

We have tried to figure out how to simplify... and can't see how we can.  If each of our boys chooses a sport and a musical talent to participate that is all it takes to make my after school life INSANE.

I just try to move along and enjoy it all... really suck the marrow out of life and love each and every one of my boys and support each one of them.  It will all end soon enough.  For now, getting enough sleep is important.  And the use of a good crock pot helps too!

Where is my Daughter Moment

you should  know I love my boys...

but there are moments in my house when I feel like a stranger in a strange land.  This can happen when the boys are hoopin it up, wrestling each other to the ground, or there is a high speed chase going on around and around.  I mean it is all good and everything, but there are times when I just feel so lost and alone.   I am the only girl in my house.  Sometimes I really feel that...  Where is my daughter(s)?

 I know wahhhh.... whine...whine...whine...    But, really where are those Christmas dresses, bows in the hair, a little companion to go with me to the Nutcracker Ballet (and actually love it) ?  I feel this loss ...especially during Christmas.  I guess it is all those things I thought I would do that I am completely missing out on.  

And, hey I have sweet boys.  I have had and do have little boys who love to cuddle and enjoy hanging out with Mom.  I have a few boys who love to cook with me and I have had some fun sewing with a couple of my boys.  I have a couple of boys who like crafts and who notice anything new I do to the house.  I have a son who has an eye for decorating and notices details.  This is all cool stuff and I am grateful but it just doesn't fill that empty spot.....  that need I have to relate to someone who just sees things from a feminine view.   Who approaches things with the feminine touch, who talks and thinks like a girl.   Girls are just so different from boys...I sense it every time I am around my nieces.  I hear about it when I talk with my sisters and my friends who have daughters.

Life isn't fair as we all come to find out...  I know that....   So we just deal... and count our blessings.

Football Season 2011 Begins......

August was also the official killer start of Football.  You can see Jonathan's reaction to one of his daily 5:30 am practices here...