Monday, November 16, 2009

So Grateful....

To Be Their "Mom......!"

From the time the boys come home from school until they are snuggled down into their beds ..there is a hummmmmm of energy in our house and it usually involves many interjections of Mom!, Mommy! Hey Mom, Oh Mother...(said the funny way Eric says it) .... Sometimes these requests for my attention all come in about the same minute and are of such a variety that I just have to giggle at the hilarious chaos of it all. (Ok it is funny unless it is after 10 pm., then Mommy is not so amused!)

When the boys were little I seemed oblivious to this phenomenon ...or have I forgotten or was I absolutely drowning in the multitude of their demands so that I didn't appreicate it...? I am not sure. But during this past year I am often in awe... grateful, moved, and touched, by this sign that I am so important in their lives. I don't take this for granted. Sure it is easy to be irritated by it... Someone said once that being a mom is like being pecked to death by a a bunch of ducks. It can feel like that sometimes...but then I just look at children and realize that this is a special season of my life... A time I waited for, prepared for and looked forward to all my life.

I realize how central I am in their universe; how I brought them in to this world and how theystill look to me for affirmation..."Mom look at this" "Hey Mom you've got to see this, "Mom I did this..." "Mom where is my?" "I am home Mom!" "Mom can you come get me" "Mom can you make me a sandwhich?" And, while it can seem so exhausting at times to mean so much to so many people I just sit back and marvel. I know the years will come all too quickly when our home will grow uncomfortably quiet. But, for now there is a hustle and a bustle in our home that is well, all I pictured and hoped it would be. And I love it.
Tired Mommy...but Happy Mom

1 comment:

  1. Amen and Amen. What a great post, and that picture is just perfect!!
