Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

I think I am becoming a Halloween Scrooge. . I could really enjoy Halloween if it lasted for a fun afternoon and evening, like how it was done in the good old days. But, it goes on and on. I also don't like the generally more and more negative spirit surrounding this holiday. This year was no exception. I felt like a rebel when I got out the Halloween decorations...because I got out the Thanksgiving decorations at the same time and sort of put out a few Halloween decorations in the middle of my bunches of Thanksgiving decorations...What is wrong with me?

The pictures I took this year are really bad too.... I feel truly bad about that. But we are having camera challenges Hopefully Santa will remedy that situtation :)

Halloween pictures are some of my favorites! I love to see my children get so excited and their imaginations run wild as they take on their Halloween character. I have loved creating costumes for them. So, I just better get over this Halloween scrooge phase. We do have so much fun together. So, here's a few pictures from our fun Halloween pasts.....

Halloween 2008

Scotty was a court jester. Steve took him out for his first trick or treating! Yes, Steve is the scary ..hmmm..what is that...a ghost of Christmas future? A dementor? OOOH scary.

Michael decided to be a doggy this year...age 9

Jacob was a scary werewolf! Age 7

The Halloween 2008 Group- minus Eric who had reached that ripe old age of 17 and well, felt compelled to move on to other things.... :( Yes, Eric it happens to all of us. I still miss trick or treating too...shhhh. don't tell anyone.

The cool mafia/spy dudes.. Joseph age 14 and Jonathan age 13

Are they cool or what?

Buying pumpkins at Maceys. This is a tradition! It is amazing how deep traditions can get. A year ago I decided to save time and buy everyone's pumpkins for them. Oh boy, I thought I would never hear the end of it. Oh the weeping and wailing! I will never leave them out again.

OOoh I hope the moon is not full on Halloween night!

That's my Eric...always cute and making everyone giggle...

Darling Joseph

my cute 2nd grader. Proud of his jack o lantern.

Michael, hard at work.

Carving pumpkins is a family tradition. We always have a good time.

Halloween 2007

That's my handsome boy! Jonathan our cute 6th grader.

Michael -our darling 8 year old

Is there anything cuter than a first grader? Sweet Jacob age 6.

"Oooh Mom ..pumpkin guts, cool!" Joseph 13, 8th grade

8 month old Scotty in the middle of it all. "Helping" in any way that he can.

I think Eric was missing because he was at his Beauty and the Beast play practice... We sure missed you! But Beauty and the Beast was spectacular, so you were excused.

p.s. I don't know where their costume pictures are.....I broke my arm and maybe that is why there are none. That is a story for another time.

Halloween 2006

This is what happens when the trick or treating is done. Counting, sorting, trading. We do this while watching some scary movie and drink hot cocoa or wassail. (usually wassail, everyone loves it for Halloween night!)

School Halloween Parade. Is that a scary werewolf?

What a darling Robin Hood!

I am soooo scared!!! Ahhhhh!

Its Old Man Knudsen. He is so funny. He just cracks me up! This is Eric age 15.

This is Jack it mate! Joseph age 12. Isn't that a great costume? Joseph had a ball!

This is a mighty bowman visiting some far off castle. Notice the swarthy expression. He in invincible and ready to strike at a moments notice!

Halloween 2005


Jacob trying out the doorbell.

Michael the ninja (age 6) and Jacob the king (age 4)

Ooohh..we have a werewolf Joseph age 11, A Ringwraith from Lord of the Rings Eric, age 14 and Jonathan the army guy age 10

I love this cute boy

And this one too...


And Michael darling too. And where was Eric?

Halloween 2004

The Halloween 2004 group. A ninja, (Eric 13) Aragon from Lord of the
Rings, (Jonathan 9) The young Obi Wan from Star Wars (Joseph 10) The more mature Obi Wan from Star Wars, (Michael 5) and a Roman Soldier (Jacob 3)

Obi Wan and the Roman Soldier

Jonathan. The School Halloween Parade.

Joseph age 10

And finally.....HALLOWEEN 2009!

This is the caveman Jonathan. Isn't he hilarious? He just cracks me up. Jonathan, our 8th grader, 13 yrs old spent his Halloween night with friends at parties and didn't get much trick or treating in. This is a big change for him. He is usually the one that runs as fast and as hard as possible and comes back with gobs of candy. This is a bad sign...he is growing up ..sniff.....

Jack o lantern carving 2009

This is our 15 year old Joseph. He dressed up as a beat up football player from a rival school. He knows that his trick or treating days are coming to an end. Say it isn't so!

Trick or treating at Dad's office. This was so much fun. But, do we need even more candy? I think this was their 3rd opportunity to go trick or treating. The extra boy is Keller Wilhite our neighbor. We have practically adopted him. I hope his mom doesn't mind.

Camp Tracey Cub Scout "Haunted Village." Even though I don't get into spook houses, I really thought this was fun and the boys had a great time. Perfectly spooky, truly a haunted village with a spooky pond and the whole bit. We watched Goosebumps movies too and had scones and hot chocolate.

We have a ninja Jacob age 8, an indian Scott age 2, and a mountain man Michael age 10. Pretty darn cute. Eric who is missing in action in all of these pictures went to a very fun Halloween party. Sigh~but I am glad he had fun too.

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