Monday, November 2, 2009

On Flying the Nest.....

I think about this everyday...... My oldest son is leaving for college next year...

When I was a younger mother, older wiser mothers would stop me in the store and tell me, "Enjoy your children. They grow up so fast." And, I believed them and I tried to enjoy every day...But I didn't fully comprehend. And now I really do know exactly what...they.. meant.

My oh my...whoosh....where did the last 5 years go? My little group of children have been around me in my nest. I have mothered them, read them the same favorite books over and over again, made them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, helped them with homework, kissed their "owies," carted them off to scouts and lessons, cheered for them at their games, applauded them at concerts and recitals, reminded them to do their chores, come for family prayer and scriptures, make their beds, tell the truth, talk nice, be polite, do their best, be a good friend and say their prayers..and I could go on and on..Whew!!!!

Steve and I have worked and planned together creating family adventures, outings and vacations. We have counseled and prayed together about each child...We have been intentional in the way we have planned family home evenings and have worked to cultivate a "spirit" in our home that is loving and affirming. Whew!!! That is a lot of work!

It has not been easy....This has been HARD work...there have been discouraging days when we have really questioned whether or not we could be successful at this parenting thing. But we've also known we are not alone in this work and have relied on faith and prayer to pull us through... We know deep in our souls this is our greatest work..and now it seems when we are just getting things sort of figured of our's is going to fly the nest....It is so strange, no.... surreal.... to contemplate that we are entering the next phase.... And that after he goes...others will follow.

So, I am really trying not to freak out or be one of those mothers who cries more than normal when their children try out their wings...but...I can understand now why they do. I will get used to this and I will have a good attitude. I will. For their sakes... It's all good..... And, I still have many years left to enjoy....Well, really when do you ever stop being a mother? It just changes- that's all. I have a two year old for heaven's sakes. I know there are many grand adventures and challenges ahead. And now I will appreciate it all more. I am grateful for time...and the precious time I have to cherish with this little group of boys...I shall not take a minute for granted...for time slips through our fingers like sand.

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