Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Word for 2010

It's a New Year....A New Beginning....

I love to read Shawni Eyre's blog. She has some great ideas and I have always been a huge Eyre fan and started reading their books when I was about 13 years old..really no kidding. And I am still a fan. She has this great idea to start out a new year. The idea is to come up with one word that can serve as a MANTRA for the coming year. One simple word that will guide you through everything else. The more I think about it, I think this idea is brilliant.

So my big word, my "mantra" for the year so to speak is --


I did not come up with this idea flippantly. I have been thinking about this for a good month now. I thought of Discipline first or Focus, but this one is the right one! I have always been a great list maker and enthusiastic planner. These things have served me well. I really know what to do...but being a mother makes it easy to get thrown off. Sometimes this is just fine and better than sticking to a schedule or plan for the sake of a child or family memory etc. But, most of the time it is best to be CONSISTENT, and create good habits, clear expectations. It just makes the whole house run more smoothly and everyone is happier.

Words can be powerful. Let's see what this can do....

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