My "Baby" boy 18 today. I am feeling a surreal sort of happiness and sadness all mixed up together. I am thrilled for him...Wow! But, really how does time go by so quickly? Turning 18 means many things..mostly that big changes are coming. I am so glad we have this year to enjoy with him. Happy Birthday Eric! I am his mother and I know that I am hopelessly biased but really really Eric is one of the kindest, sweetest, most honest, good young men I have ever known. He is so patient and forgiving of others. He is so humble, quick to apologize, the first to offer to help and the first to express appreciation and love. He is honest and so "good" in every way. I am so blessed to be his mother. Here's to celebrating his wonderful life so far...
A great student...hard worker..loving brother
So helpful to his momma...what a great support
The Eagle Scout...Congratulations!
What a great sense of humor..!
Celebrating his 15th birthday...I love this boy
Loves to play basketball.
This past summer at the Oregon Coast....
His 14th Birthday
Yes..there is a fun rivalry at our house...
Always good for an adventure with his dad and brothers...
Adventures at the National Jamboree...
Eric has had many great opportunities!!!
Passionate about having fun!

So darn Handsome!

You came into the world and I became a Mother....What a privilege and blessing it has been and will always be to be your Mom and walk this path through life together........xoxoxxox Happy Birthday beautiful Boy!
Wow, Anne, what a great post! It makes me realize (again) how fast the years really go. You have some pretty amazing boys!!