To say that summer '09 was wonderful...and before it fades into our memories..I would like to
take a moment and mention the highlights of our summer...
I took the whole summer off from blogging. I suppose because I was busy enjoying unhurried time with my children.... and then as it always happens by the end of the summer I was recovering from spending all that unhurried time with my children. Nevertheless, in the good ol' summertime.....
I love that absolutely luxurious, delicious opportunity to sleep in until 7:30 or 8 am if I choose to. I love getting up at 6 am to get a ton done all by myself if I choose to. I love having the time to make a great breakfast and talk and have that glorious opportunity to plan whatever we want to do with our entire day!! I love to just watch my boys doing whatever they are doing. I love having the time to teach my boys how to really clean a bathroom (yes there is griping and complaining)or how to make a killer batch of chocolate chip cookies. The rest of the year everyone else gets so much of my boys' time (and that is good thankful for great teachers, coaches, neighbors, leaders at church etc) but now in the summer this is MY time with THEM...well, most of it...
Summer '09 Favorites:
One of my favorite sounds of summer is the happy squeals of laughter that come from the backyard when a bunch of neighborhood kids are over playing...or when they are all out front playing nightgames. Oh the excitement!
I love summer evening barbecues...
and the earthy pleasure of eating fresh produce just picked up at the local farmer's market..or picked from the garden. I love eating garden fresh tomatoes and corn on the cob
and yummy fruit salads, fresh salsa and homemade icecream
and savoring icy cold snowies from the snow shack down the road.
I love that healthy glow the boys have when they look "kissed" by the sun after playing hard outside and I love the whirring sound of mowers and the smell of fresh cut grass.
And I love the sound of crickets chirping as night begins to fall.
I love taking walks with my little boys or going on a quick jog with my older boys in the moonlight! We have this great park by our house with a 360 degree view of the whole Salt Lake Valley. There are few things more magical than walking down to the park with a full moon just rising over mountains still aglow with the sunset, with stars beginning to twinkle in the sky and the whole valley shimmering with lights. We have enjoyed sitting down at the top of the big hill and just "chatting." Those moments are the best of times...
Memorial Day Breakfast at Cottonwood on the Creek
Summer always gets off to a great start with our traditional Memorial Day Breakfast at's Farm...whatever you call it...but I call it Cottonwood on the Creek.
Uncle Wayne, Aunt Barbara and Uncle Steve cooking up the breakfast
Cutest boys hanging out at the water wheel
Jonathan trying out his Tarzan skills ..This rope is probably about 70 feet long!
The cousins digging into the yummy breakfast
In June we had rain every day except 3 days! The mountains were a beautiful emerald green. Our lawns and gardens were lush and beautiful. I love rainy days...and the fresh smell of wet earth. I love how rain intensifies all the colors and makes everything sparkley clean. We all especially loved the thunderstorms in the afternoon. This happened so often that it became routine for the house to darken in the afternoon then we would wait for the flashes of light, the claps of thunder and the downpour of the rain. One of my favorite memories of summer '09 is when I had a whole houseful of kids and their friends...and watching them react to the excitement of the storm! Oh the drama!
June also brought scout camp for Steve and Jonathan. Steve is the scout master so this is a big deal and requires a lot of preparation and everyone looks forward to it. The rest of the family always joins up with the scouts on the last night for the last campfire. Its tradition!
June also was brought Especially For Youth -BYU -to Eric

Eric's EFY Counselor
So glad Eric and Cory were able to go to EFY together!
and Cub Scout Day Camps for Michael and Jacob. I helped with Michael's Day Camp.
I also started jogging in June with my friend Holly Wheat. She kicked my you know what and
I jogged further and harder than I have gone in a very long time.....! (like hello...3-5 miles each day!) I LOVE HER! and I hated her too..when I was huffing and puffing up another hill...ha I seriously LOVE HER. Everyone needs a friend like her. :) She is also amazing and inspiring in so many ways ..and very kind.....I will write more about this wonderful friend later..
June was also project time...I laid a rock path with my neighbor in between our houses. It was great and something needing to be done for a long time. I love it when I get things done!
July brought warmer weather and family trips and Varsity Scouts High Adventure Trips.
July 4th '09
We took off to Island Park, Idaho to our cabin on Bill's Island for the 4th of July. It was our 2nd visit to the Crows Nest for the 4th of July and what fun it was. We arrived the day before the 4th and boated and played in the water all day.
Getting ready to waterski! Guess what I even got out there and waterskiied again! Too bad there isn't a picture so you can have a giggle..But I had fun!
Go Dad Go!
The boys also enjoyed a lot of tubing around the lake
The faster and crazier the better! Steve can really let them rip across the waves. The boys loved it!
Cute Michael....
Scotty enjoying his day on the water. the sun shine.
Watch's the wild man behind the wheel!
It has been a great day!
My Mom and Dad came up in the afternoon to be with us for the 4th! This was so wonderful of them to do this with us. They had just returned from Hawaii that morning and somehow found the energy to drive up to Island Park to be with us too..... That is just true love! We love them so much and are grateful for their sacrifice and effort to be with us. They always make everything more special!
Picnic lunch in Yellowstone Park...
At Yellowstone spectacular!
on a hike along the rim of Yellowstone Canyon....what fun.
There they are the magnificent six!
In front of Yellowstone Falls......
After our hikes and picnics in the Yellowstone Canyon area...which was so much fun....we headed back to West Yellowstone to have dinner...We had the craziest fun in the car, laughing, joking...such a happy time. We got stuck in some traffic jam ....people looking at wildlife or something and had so much fun making light of the situation .......hard to explain here but sooo funny for us. Good times...
After much crazy fun discussion we settled on eating dinner at this old fashioned 50's style diner. We had such a great time with Mom and Dad laughing and talking. It will always be a happy memory.
Now I wish I had taken more pictures of the actual 4th of July but for some reason I didn't. But here's what we did. On the Island, they first have a quaint little parade. People on the island who also have cabins, decorate their 4 wheelers, their boat trailers (you get the picture) even hook up music and join up to make a parade. The parade participants throw candy and wave flags at the parade watchers...lots of fun.
Later, the Bill's Island Association hosts a Dutch Oven Dinner. They hold it down in a fairly large warehouse type building. Everyone brings a salad or dessert to share and the Association supplies the most delicious Dutch Oven Chicken, Potatoes and drinks. It is really fun to get everyone together.
Next, there is a 4th of July Boat Parade. This is a hoot. People get very creative in decorating their boats.....using music and such. There are cash prizes given out for the best boat float. Then a lot of people get in their boats and watch the very cool fireworks show. We opted to stay on land (one of these years we will watch from the water!) The 4th of July is such fun on Bill's Island, Island Park Idaho!
Happy Birthday Grandma Knudsen!
To celebrate LeNore's birthday, first all the adults went to dinner and then we came back to Barb's for cake and icecream and this is what LeNore saw when we arrived. The grandkids had written a message on hearts and taped them all over the garage door. I guess they call this a "heart attack." I think she liked it. Everyone wrote such nice things to her. What a great idea Leanne!
Ben's Farewell
We have the most bright, happy, fun, completely wonderful nephew-- Ben Schmidt. We just love him. He was called to serve his mission in Brazil. We know he will be a great missionary and we are so happy for him. Here are a few pictures of his farewell get together with family.
Knudsen Family Vacation Summer '09
Oregon Coast
Best Vacation ever!
disclaimer: these pictures are not posted in the right order...sorry.
Having lunch at Multnomah Falls
Multnomah Falls
One cool dude...
Gorgeous or what?
Perfect Ending to a Perfect Day....a bonfire on the beach....full moon hovering over the ocean....
Can you see it? It says Knudsen Oregon 2009
His masterpiece....fortress against the unstoppable force of the tide...
The boys spent a lot of time trying to create sandcastles and fortresses that could withstand the force of the incoming tide. It was so fun to see what they came up with...this is Joseph's sandcastle.
Steve on the trail between Ecola State Park and Indian Beach....a most beautiful hike through a lush forest and up above cliffs overlooking the ocean. This is something not to be missed if you visit the Oregon Coast!
Steve and I got away while the boys played below on the beach to watch the beautiful...This is my new happy place.....
It was bliss to have the Indian Beach almost to beautiful...a real find!
Is that a cute boy or what?
Scotty loving the beach
Breathtaking views....
We were so lucky to be at this beach on such a beautiful, warm day! You can see from the trees that the normal weather is most often windy!
Out there in the middle of the picture if you look closely you will see a is so solitary and peaceful....
This is what Michael called a "Hobbit Tree."
My cute son on the hike...
Here we are on this unforgettable hike...such a great time....
I just loved this lush green forest....
Lunch in Cannon Beach City
Hanging out on the streets of Cannon Beach doing the touristy thing....
Hydrangeas were everywhere in Oregon and they were just beautiful!
Fun with Dad at Cannon Beach
I could not get enough of this....on my toes....
Knudsen Family ....Cannon Beach on the Oregon Coast 2009!
I loved strolling along through the beautiful fun.
The water was pretty cold. We were glad we brought our wetsuits. The boys were determined to swim in the ocean and they wetsuits..atleast most of the time. I guess we were very lucky. We were on the beach during a heatwave in Oregon. It was 106 degrees in Portland and abou 85 degrees at the beach. We were so lucky. The weather was beautiful!
Look what we found in a tidepool. Fun!
Trying out tidepooling at Cannon Beach.
This is actually in Washington State. We crossed the fun bridge that spans the Columbia River in Astoria to go to the Washington Side. We went to this lighthouse and also to Dead Man's Cove. Thanks to Di and Ron, we knew about this fun place. At the lighthouse you have the most amazing view of the Columbia River as it opens up to the ocean....
Me with my beautiful boy...Eric..
Dead Man's Cove..such a cool place...a fun discovery...something like out of Pirate's of the Carribbean. The boys loved it!
Scott was in sandbox heaven...happy playing in the soft silky sand
Michael loved searching and finding interesting things like this little crab on the beach. I love this about Michael...he is so observant and takes time to discover and enjoy what is around him...
Mr Muscle Man
Ahhh ..the adventure awaits
This was the coolest place...the tide was going out and so the water would flow around and up and down the rocks along the beach..and there were so many nooks and crannies to explore. such fun!
The big boys dared each other to swim out to an island in the cove....through icy cold water. First Joseph met the challenge, then Eric and then Jonathan not to be outdone did it too. Then feeling like they had conquered...they climbed to the top of this little island and....
gave us their best barbaric yalp! So fun to watch!
Boys doing their thing!
Fort Clatsop...Where Lewis and Clark bunked down for the winter after reaching their final destination on their famous journey across the country..
You can kind of see what is going on here.....this leads to ....
THIS! I love to watch the rough and tumble tussles that boys are always getting into...and really I think they never outgrow it. So funny.
Another hard day cooking for the troops on the wild frontier....
Getting ready to hike the trails around Fort Clatsop.
Lunch at the Baked Alaska on the Columbia River Front in Astoria. Such a wonderful place to eat...! We all loved it!
Yum! And we were eating right over the water and were able to watch...
the tug boats and guide boats go out to aid the big ships into the channel of the Columbia River
See the big Ship? Fascinating!
There goes the guide boat again....
Beachcombing.....and we found a crab!
Scotty found a sand dollar!
Beautiful glassy beach...
Fun at the Gorgeous Japanese Garden in Portland...
Is this a beautiful place or what?
Jacob pretending to be Avatar...He was lovin this!
Deep cleansing breath.....hmmmmm...
After a couple days of squabbles and a few stern lectures..we found ourselves at the Portland Temple where we found serenity and calmness....
Here's my beautiful boys!
Portland was experiencing a heat wave...106 degrees...very we sort of all melted onto the lawn of the temple for a while..
like I said...
Happy Michael..
Steve..standing all amazed...
the race was on to see who could build a mighty sandcastle that could withstand the incoming tide....
Run Run Run....Scotty loved trying to outrun the waves.
Yaquina Head Lighthouse cold when we first arrived. You can see some of the boys aren't so sure Mom's idea to come to Oregon was such a good idea.
Beautiful views..too bad that the wind was blowing an icy gale
At the overlook of the Columbia River beautiful.
This is one of the stops along the Columbia River Gorge Scenic Byway...this is another area not to be missed...
Our first morning on the vacation..this was taken at our camping cabin..Cascade Locks KOA campground along the Columbia River Gorge.
Time for breakfast..all you can eat pancakes. Yum.
It was one hat dry dusty drive to the Oregon Coast...Wow...what a desolate glad to arrive to the green Oregon Coast..couldn't have taken the desolation about one more minute..! Boy what great travelers we have too. To break up the time we read Harry Potter, worked on Scouting stuff, watched movies, played some games and honestly just tried to keep everyone from bugging each other...that is my least least favorite part of any road trip...!!! Traveling together is such a learning experience....ha ha.....but it is being so close together..doing new things, getting lost a few times etc. that eventually brings you closer as a family. What a great experience if you can be patient through it all.
Icecream break at the Tillamook Factory in Tillamook Oregon. This was so fun...and the icecream was truly yummy! What a great place. It was the factory's something like 75th anniversary the very day we were there and so the place was packed. It was crazy but fun.
Everyone had a great time!
Darling little Scott at the Japanese Gardens
Stay this way...don't move...stay....stay...that's good...yes...just stay...hmmmmm
The boys couldn't wait to get in the icy cold water.
Jacob too...! Glad we had our wet suits..
Jacob loved trying to outrun the waves.
Dearly beloved, we have gathered together today to pay our last respects to a fine son and brother....Joseph......
Varsity Scouts High Adventure Trip
We had to sandwich our family vacation in between Joseph and Eric's High Adventure trips...but we were glad we could work it out to do it all...Because we wouldn't have wanted Eric to miss this.....
Or This.......
So grateful for good Young Men's leaders and for this GREAT group of boys that Eric gets to hang with...
And Joseph got back in time to go hang out with his group doing fun things like this too...
Unfortunately August meant that summer was winding down. When we returned, football started....which keeps us home and gets on a schedule again. There were a lot of loose ends to tie up....fundraising to be done for Hillcrest Performing Arts etc. And Eric had his Vocal Ensemble Retreat, a three day vocal camp at the University of Utah with a guest conductor. We enjoyed a fun evening out at the U of U campus and going to his concert as a family at the end of his V.E. retreat.
Joseph having some fun on the U of U campus after concert.
The boys after Eric's concert. It was one beautiful summer evening. (Jacob is missing. He was with his friend Kellar at a Real Soccer Game)
Soon, it was time to register for school...(hard to believe) I think I was in denial that school was really starting until the morning of.....I know..really unhealthy.... but that is how it was. I am still as of today wanting to hold onto Summer '-09.
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