Well, here we all are! Can you see the excitement and anticipation in our faces? It was such a treat to be together in the DeJong Concert Hall at Brigham Young University. Mom, Dad, Cathy, Mike, Katie, Chris, Christine, Zack, Emily, Nate and Abby were all able to come. I think the picture says it all. We were thrilled to be all together to watch Alex's Concert. Alex is a very talented Clarinetist. He played a perfect beautiful solo in the concert and we were so glad to be there to see it!

After the concert we all gathered oustide the concert hall to congratulate Alex and thank him for inviting us to his concert.

Can you see the love and pride these grandparents have for their grandson? I think this is a priceless photo.

What a happy young man! Alex is a kind, humble, smart, capable, fun, wonderful person! He just received his mission call a couple of weeks ago. He has been called to serve in the Thailand Bangkok Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. We are so proud of him.

I love this picture..
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