I love General Conference! I have my entire life. For me it has always been like taking a mini vacation from the world. It is a time to leave behind the trivial-- and focus on the most important things and be immersed in TRUTH as spoken by our inspired leaders, including a living prophet and apostles. It is a weekend when we are surrounded by the people we love. It is a time to be fed spiritually, regroup, and analyze where I am in this journey called life. It is also a time to regroup as a family and determine how we can follow Jesus Christ better.
I wish the rest of the world understood, no matter what their religion, that what happens at General Conference is pertinent to every living soul on earth. God has a living prophet on the earth today and 12 apostles whose sole mission is to testify of the reality of the Savior Jesus Christ, of His mission and that the original church established on the earth by Jesus Christ has been restored again.

Inside the Conference Center. We usually try to be there once a year for one session.

Our darling and beloved prophet, Thomas S. Monson. My favorite quote from this conference,
"Your future is as bright as your faith."

We have many family traditions surrounding General Conference Weekend. We usually get together somewhere and watch Conference together. Mom and Dad came down to be with all of us! We usually get together for an early dinner before the Priesthood session. Then we send off all the men ages 12 and older to the priesthood session. Then we girls talk, laugh and have sort of a girls' night together.

Kenny King and his sons Aaron and Jamison and daugther Kandis were able to come. It was sooo great to be with them! We love you King Family!

We usually end up singing together around the piano. I love this tradition!

Alex and college friends stopped by....

Singin! Kandis King playing the piano

After the priesthood session, we have a very special tradition. We all gather together and the boys who all took notes each have a turn sharing what they learned with the whole group. This is so much fun because we get to hear what each young man and father has to say and talk about conference.

Joseph sharing his thoughts. Eric is reading the notes he recorded in his
journal this year (whoo hoo..I am so impressed Eric! )

Jonathan sharing his notes with us...

I love my husband ..who started this tradition and makes sure it happens every Conference!

A visit to Aunt Annie's house wouldn't be complete without a cousin bubble bath. I love these girls and I am glad they enjoy this little tradition. I think the boys wish they were in the bath with them.

We have left to right, Abby Haruch (6), Alyssa VanWagenen (8), Emily Haruch (11), and Julia VanWagenen (11) Aren't they just adorable?
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