Four years ago, Evan and Tonya met. Since then, they have both served missions; Evan in Portugal and Tonya in Paris, France. They wrote to each other during that time and then picked up where they left off when Tonya returned home last summer. They are a special couple and will have a wonderful life together.
A great thought...... for these two who have prepared so well for this marriage.
The Cousins! How quickly they are all growing up!
At the end of the reception we had a dance and man oh man, does this family love dancing together!
Lynn and Ryan having a "family dance."
Gayle and her son the groom...
Groovin' to the music...
I didn't take enough pictures of this fun event...because I guess I was too busy dancin! I wish I would have gotten a picture of Steve and I... we had such fun.
Katie, Cathy and Chris....
Aren't they just funny!?
One of the best things about wedding receptions is visiting with old friends. Carleen O'Keefe is a dear family friend.
After the wedding, Richard and Gayle hosted a wonderful wedding dinner..
The new Mr. and Mrs. Evan Crowley!
The Aunts and Uncles table -Crowley side
More Aunts, and sisters of the groom table
The "Cuz" table....
Sisters of the Bride, Friends and family of the Bride.
Friends and Family of the Bride.
Best wishes to the Bride and Groom! Today they are off on a cruise somewhere south .. Caribbean, Mexican Riviera...I am not so sure. But, I am sure they are having fun. Congratulations Evan and Tonya!
This is awesome!!! You are so great to do this!!!