"Rules for a Contented Life."
I think my oldest was about 5 years old.
It was interesting for me to note the order of the things I wrote. Even more interesting to me is how time and experience have taught me more about living a contented life as a family. I don't think I have ever felt crazier than I do now ...trying to balance the activities, responsibilities and schedules of 8 people... 4 schools, two..no now three different piano teachers, sports, scouts, homework and on and on.
Even though I think I know more now about what really works to make home life more contented, it is more challenging than ever before to get that.
I would add new things to the list now such as reading scriptures each day as a family. When we do this there really is greater peace and contentment in our home. Another I would add is to spend a minute with each person...connect with each person even if it is for a few minutes. Maybe I would add reading time with my little kids at night. That adds a lot of contentment. There are just some things that I feel I need to do each day. I can go to bed at night feeling fairly confident that everyone feels they are doing well and feel loved.
This list wasn't meant to cover everything in family life but just touch on the things that truly make us feel content and happy.
- Eric: friend over atleast once a week -Eric was about 5 years old at this time
- Joseph, friend over atleast once a week -Joseph was about 3
- Dinner with friends or family every quarter
- Game night with another family every quarter (Sun or Mon nights)
- Special Sunday activities
- Sunday "stations"
- Traditional Sunday dinners
- Invite someone to dinner once a quarter
- Gospel conversations often and not just on Sunday
- Traditional Sunday night treats
- Family Activity once a week
- Family Home Evening every Monday
- Create a very fun backyard
- Hobbies-do together
- Encourage and partcipate in sports
- Art
- Drama-Children's Theater
- Singing, perform
- Piano
- Nature/Outdoor activities
- Meaningful traditions
- Be sure to laugh often and much!
- Do not go into debt
- Be a wise steward of resources
- Save, then buy
- Live within Means
- Be actively involved in children's educations!
- Homework hour every day
- Work before play
- Everyone read and read!
- Follow routine
- Maintain cleanliness
- Children pick up each night
- Laundry baskets (everyone put away clothes in baskets)
- Dish duty
- Saturday work
- Breakfast together as a family
- Dinner together every night
- Read together/talk
- Social Activities
- Physical exercise
- Temple Date once a month
- Make dates fun
- Formal date once a month ?
- Work together on something
- Once a week for someone--anything!
I can tell you with a doubt the area of "order" is sadly the area that I struggle with the most and drives me the most crazy!
I think I need to revisit this list. Moms have such a huge role in the creation of calm and contentment in their homes....... Every day I get up and realize that it is largely up to me how my home will feel that day and how we will interact with each other.. No wonder I am exhausted at the end of the day!!!