What was it with Christmas this year? It went by with lightning speed. We had a wonderful Christmas and it wasn't even too crazy this year but it came and went so fast. So, I am just hanging onto this special time of year a little longer. So, here is a quick run down of our Christmas 2009.
In the darkness of Bethlehem, the omnipotent God became an impotent Baby. The hands that made the world and hung the stars in the sky were now just large enough to grasp His mother's finger....
In the vision of a King born in a stable, attended by animals and visited by shepherds I am led to the ever startling paradoxes that are the essence of the Gospel: out of weakness comes strength; out of simplicity, profundity; out of humility, dignity. I am freed from the judgments and vanities of the world. I see the wisdom of its wise men perish before a deeper truth as three gifts are laid and worldly wisdom kneels before a little Child."
I wish I knew who to give credit to for such a beautiful thought about the birth of
Jesus. I think it captures the beauty and wonder of this great event we celebrate this time of year. When I ponder the Christmas story I am always in awe of its wondrous events and at the way this little baby born in a stable changed the world.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Let's keep Christmas in our
hearts all the year through.
Here are few scenes from Christmas '09 at the Knudsen House.
Picking out the Christmas Tree. Here is a picture with "Santa" at the Christmas Tree lot.
In my family of boys, they think picking out a Christmas tree is fine, but what they like most about it is playing hide and seek among the trees. One year when our boys were just little like 6 or 7 and younger they started playing hide and seek around the trees and they liked it so much a tradition was born. Now every year they look forward to this annual game of hide and seek as part of picking out our Christmas tree... It is an absolutely essential part of picking out the tree. I tried to get a couple of pictures of them racing around but all I could get is this one of Joseph peeking around a tree at me.
Luckily Scott just stayed right by me as we looked at all the trees.
It was a perfect perfect perfect night for picking out a Christmas Tree. It was the perfect temperature and on our way there this magical little snow shower started falling. It was the kind that makes you feel all giddy and happy. The snow flakes were huge and just gently fell from the sky. The boys all had to try to catch some on their tongues. It was an absolutely beautiful setting for picking out a Christmas tree.
So, here's what Mrs. Santa did to keep it all straight for 7 + people. This shopping list went with me everywhere.
And here is the short list of what I cooked and baked for the Christmas fun. It does not include the Christmas Eve Candlelight buffet that I whipped up. We had Stuffed Mushrooms, Shrimp cocktail platter, chilled shrimp, Cheese ball, spinach artichoke dip with crackers, fudge, divinity, Wassail and more. Too much good food. And now a few weeks later I still feel it in my waistline. I hate that.
There are few movies we have to see every year and that is every version of the Christmas Carol we can get our hands on. Every version brings out different parts of this story we just love. But, I think our favorite is the musical version, "Scrooge."
Oh and we completely utterly ignored the new Disney version of The Christmas Carol that came out this year. We wouldn't want to spoil a good thing.
The other movie that is an annual must see is "It's a Wonderful Life!" So far I never tire of this story and its wonderful message.
And ofcourse the kids love to see the usual Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer, Santa Claus is Coming to Town and maybe Charlie Brown. We keep it simple. There are too many mindless Christmas specials now.
We also try to see as many wonderful musical programs on PBS as we can. We don't have much time but I love to see the very best musical productions on PBS and I usually crank up the volume and let the music ring through the house. I love to do that while I am wrapping presents or baking or whatever.
Here are a few pictures of the Christmas pageant held at our ward party. Our boys were asked to the shepherds. These pictures are not the best quality but you get the picture. That is Joseph looking at the camera in the white and red checked shepherd outfit.
We were lucky enough to have tickets to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Concert with Natalie Cole as the guest performer. It was another wonderful concert and a special time with Jonathan, Michael and Jacob. We really had a good time together. I love this concert and try to go every year. (and apparently so does about a million other people. So I feel so lucky to snag a few tickets when I can)
I wish I had a few more pictures....(I really need help in this area) But here is a picture of Eric ready to leave to go perform in the Forgotten Carols with Michael McClean. Joseph also performed in it and loved it and I am sad I didn't get a picture of him. We went to this wonderful performance as a family and absolutely enjoyed it.
Eric had a special part at the beginning. He played the part of an old man who is waiting at a bus stop with his elderly wife and is touched by the Christmas spirit. It was so fun to see him perform and he did a wonderful job. I was so proud of him and Joseph. They consider performing in the Forgotten Carols a real highlight of their year.
Nurse Connie is played by Kelly Shepardson who used to live in our ward. We love to watch her perform as well. She is the very best at this role.
Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without pausing to sing the songs from the Forgotten Carols.
I am so grateful my boys are given the opportunity to participate in this production each year. This great man, Michael McClean is awakening greater faith in the hearts of every one who performs or watches this production.
I also didn't get any good pictures of this event. I helped direct the choir at Jacob and Michael's elementary school. This is a picture of us on the night of the performance. Wow..did my hair need help or what. It was a fun little program. We sang Wintertide, It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas with the duet--pinecones and holly berries.., Hot Cup of Cocoa--a very fun song with some choreography and Christmas Tree, a very pretty, heartwarming song from the movie Home Alone II. It was a simple and sweet program. I do this with Cindy Meier and she likes to keep things more simple which is good because I always want to make things bigger ... I can learn a lot from her about keeping things simple. I am so glad I have the opportunity to work with her.
Michael had a 5th grade Christmas program and He got to play two piano numbers in it. I was so proud of him. He has really become a musician this year.
Caryn and Brian flew in from Hawaii on December 20th. It was sooo good to see them. I realized how much I miss my sister Caryn. (I mean I knew I missed her but there was something about this visit that made me realize how much I miss doing day to day things with her and just having her around to share life with) She is just the most wonderful person. She has 4 little kiddos and she is teaching Art History at BYU-Hawaii. Her husband is also a professor there. Caryn loves all the things I love.. We didn't get to do enough during her short visit but it was great to have them to ourselves for a few moments.
Below are a few scenes of Christmas Eve.
The extended Knudsen family got together to sing the Hallelujah Chorus and other Christmas songs and have dessert. This was a change. We usually have a progressive dinner but the family is getting too big and some of Steve's brothers have grandchildren of their own now. We pretty much thought that we would do our own thing this year but not to completely let go of tradition Wayne wanted to at least get together for singing and desserts.
The boys belting it out!
After everyone went home, Barb, Rod and their family stayed with us to enjoy our Christmas Eve Buffet. We didn't get to caroling like we wanted to but we rolled with it and were flexible. We were so glad the Schmidts could hang out with us a little longer.
We ended our night reading the Christmas story and sharing a few special moments just our family...and then it was off to bed..!
Santa brought the goods...
Christmas Morning.......starts very early. Our boys have some traditions. First of all everyone must sleep upstairs. So the big boys who have their bedroom in the basement sleep in the extra bedroom upstairs. At about 4 am...they wake each other up and all 5 of them (Scott sleeps through the whole thing) gather in one room to open up the little gifts in their stockings (Santa leaves their stocking on their beds) eat the yummy treats and play games together. We usually wake up to their loud laughter about 5:30 am. They have the greatest time. Then they come in to wake up up at about 6 am by singing to us and they mercifully let us go back to sleep (ha ha) until about 6 :30 am. This year I couldn't stand being left out of the fun so I went down to their bedroom and joined in the fun. It was great.
Christmas Day was very relaxed. We had a yummy crepes with nutella and bananas breakfast and drank wassail all day..along with hot cocoa with marshmallows.
At about 4 pm -ish Steve's mom joined us for a yummy Christmas Day dinner. Yum!
The rest of the week we watched movies, had a game night. Steve and I went to the annual Wittwer Cousin Christmas party. We went iceskating and just relaxed.
Out to eat on New Year's Eve at a Chinese Buffet. I have decided I don't like buffets. The kids love it but it is too chaotic to really enjoy and the food is usually sub par. But, still this photo notes our tradition of having chinese food on New Year's Eve. But, next year I envision sitting around a round table talking more. After this our kids went off to parties with friends (sniff!) and the rest of us stayed home and watched the movie "The Great Race." Steve and I also worked on a puzzle together until about 2 am. I really missed my boys...and it was an ok New Year's Eve.
I love to decorate the house for Christmas every year and try to create some Christmas magic for all of us to enjoy...Here are a few pictures to capture a little bit of what I did..
Next Year....
-take more family pictures! And document better our activities.
-Simplify the food...eat less.
- Open the kids Christmas presents to each other on Christmas Eve so that the special giving magic of this isn't lost in the fun of Christmas morning.
- Hold a Neighborhood Christmas Open House in lieu of neighbor gifts. Gather donations and give to a charity..
-We always dream of having a Soup and Sing night where everyone brings an appetizer or dessert to share and comes prepared to perform some song or read a poem or something. We would love to do that.
- This year we will have a Christmas Jar!! We will find ways to serve others all the year through. --New Christmas pajamas for everyone is a good gift to give on Christmas Eve. It makes for great family pictures on Christmas morning. We have done that some years. I have decided we should do this every year.
-Pause each night at family prayer no matter what....to read a Christmas story or watch a short 5 min or so Christmas message produced by the church that can be found on youtube etc. In the craziness of our schedule and activities in December I think this is crucial.
-Go caroling...!!! This is a must.
-Go for a drive to see the Christmas lights, spend more time on Temple Square and go to the Gateway to see the big Christmas tree.
Those are just a few ideas...
Even so it was a wonderful Christmas -Christmas '09 and we will try to carry the spirit of it forward into the new year.....
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