This Adorable Two Year Old.....He is a bonus, a blessing, a gift!
Something extra or additional given freely
Synonyms: reward, honorarium, gift. 2. A bonus is a gift to reward performance,
[bles-ing] | a favor or gift bestowed by God, thereby bringing happiness. |

Those who know us well, know that this little boy barely made it into our family before it was too late. At first, this was a great leap of faith for us. And that leap of faith was answered with numerous small miracles and tender mercies. Bringing Scotty into the world brought me so much closer to my Heavenly Father. Scott has been a blessing in our family from day one. He is adored by each of his brothers and he makes each person in our family so happy.

So lucky to be able to cherish this-- my last baby just one last time.
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