So, finally... finally.... his birthday came! And, guess what-Mom got sick! but, this good natured little boy waited patiently for 10 days to finally have his birthday party.
And, I think it was worth the wait... He sure seemed to think so.
Thanks to pinterest, it was easy to gather up a lot of great ideas for his LEGO Birthday party.
Yep! He's 6!
Balloons always make things festive..
Lego gift bags, had fun prizes, and see that cake that Scott asked for? He doesn't love sugar or anything... A cake made with so much candy was just awesome for him... !
Scott's not at all happy about having friends over !
First, the boys created their own lego man. They really got into this and it was a great way to start the party and keep them busy while waiting for everyone to show up.
Then we had a timed competition of who could build the highest tower in two minutes. It was fun to see what they came up with... these two almost tied.
Some of the boys weren't at all concerned, and opted to create something really unique instead.
I guess that is what the birthday boy decided to do... ha ha! Either way, they love building stuff out of legos.
Then we played pin the lego man head on the the lego man.
The boys loved making their lego brick pizzas... they snacked on fruit snacks and creamy chocolate pudding
It was fun just listening to them talk... I just love this group of boys. They are truly good friends and love each other. And, they are so darn them.
Wrestle time! They watched some funny you tube video gungam lego man style.. and they danced and danced, each one asking me, "did you see my cool move?" 'Oh yes," I would say! They are just so cute.
Happy Birthday to you .. Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday dear Scotty.. Happy Birthday to you!
The big moment... make a wish!
Present Time!
There was a hug after each present was opened. Like I said, these boys love each other.
I loved this party.