Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Remember Remember ...

Eric came home to spend General Conference Weekend with us and we ventured up the canyon in between sessions to take some family photos.  And we found this big ROCK.... and thought how fitting a setting it was for that day... and this moment together as a family.   We were reminded of a favorite scripture....  

"And now my sonsremember remember that it is up on the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail an dhis mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, 
a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." Helaman 5:12

The Magnificent Seven!

I love these boys...big kiss..mwah!

Autumn 2010 Halloween

So I thought I better hurry really fast and finish reporting on Fall 2010 before Christmas comes and goes..   

Halloween was sort of short this year.... It came and went like lightning.  But, to catch up, here is a look at what we did. 

First, Steve was in charge of putting together the Sunridge Ward Trunk and Treat.  After a beautiful Fall, a blizzard showed up just in time to welcome everyone to the trunk and treat.  But, the party still turned out GREAT!  I ofcourse didn't get any pictures..  I was too busy shepherding kids around, helping set things up.  I think it was the best trunk and treat ever...or maybe it was that our ward was so ready for a party.  Either way it was a lot of fun!   The blizzard came and went and the unusually gorgeous weather of Fall 2010 returned.  

Next, Silver Mesa Elementary Annual Halloween Parade.  

I have to get a picture every year of Mr. Nelson.  He doesn't disappoint.  He always comes up with something great for the Halloween Parade at the school.  

Michael with a few of his awesome freinds.  Ryan and Brandon.  I love these boys.  Michael is a bandit/jewel thief.   Hold on tight ...because this is the last Halloween parade for these boys....  'sniff...seriously...'sniff.   I know how quickly they will change after this year.....  'sniff again.  Ok, I think I will be all right.  

Check out Mrs. Allen right behind them.  Hilarious!

Jacob was a nice big brother and let Scotty tag along with him in the Halloween Parade.  As  you can see Jacob is a scary vampire and Scott is Robin Hood.  Ahh... the fun.

WE almost didn't get to this tradition.  We actually bought these pumpkins at about 3 pm Halloween night!    Nevertheless we took on the pumpkin carving tradition and had a great time.... just in time to get ready to go trick or treating. Better late than not at all!  

Michael would call these pumpkin guts.

Joseph is not sure what his pumpkin turned out to be....

A year for firsts...
-First year Eric is away at college,
- First year Joseph did not go trick or treating, 
-First year Jonathan went to a Halloween Party instead of trick or treating....  

Much can change in just one year.  Boo HOO.  

I got the crowd to pause long enough to get a quick picture.  Scott wasn't even in his costume yet ...and break...off they go!  NO stopping this crowd.  It was a Saturday night and they were in this for the long haul.

This year we have Robin Hood (Scott 3) A vampire (Jacob 9) A Bandit/Jewel Thief (Michael 11) A Newsie Boy -like from the movie Newsies...(Jonathan 14) Joseph as himself (16)

What a cutie.

"Ok Mom can we go already ?  Enough pictures!  "

We were blessed to have the most beautiful Fall this year!  I don't think I remember a nicer Fall than the one we had.  The leaves didn't even turn until very late...peaking in November!  Very unusual and we loved loved loved it!
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Autumn 2010 Catch up Part 2- Come Little Leaves Said the Wind One Day..

Come Little Leaves Said the Wind One Day,
Come, Come Along and Let's Go Out and Play.  
Put on your dresses of Red and Gold,
For Winter is Coming, Oh so Cold.  

Scotty and I went on a little walk on a spectacular perfect Fall Afternoon. 

We were blessed to have the most beautiful Fall this year...  It stayed warm late into the season. The trees gently and slowly turned crimson red and gold.  The colors were so vivid!  

I love hanging out with this boy.  

Just a few more shots so we can hold Autumn 2010 in hearts.  We were spoiled this year.  

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Autumn 2010 Catch up--Part 1 Steve's Birthday

We took a  Family Bike Ride along the Jordan River Parkway....to celebrate Steve's birthday.

Yes, Jonathan is texting while riding his bike!   We can barely tear this boy away from his friends!  We love him and we know he loves us....he is loving his social life these days.

It was so nice to get out together and enjoy the beautiful Fall Day.

Half way through our bike ride we ended up at Gardner Village....  This is such a fun place!

 Happy Birthday my Sweet Man!  WE love you!  

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving Day Feast Guests:
The Genti family from France
The Schmidt Cousins

 Highlights of the day, laughter, good food, Three kernals activity to count our blessings, games, singing around the piano, amazing apple cider, pumpkin pie and whipped cream and plain old relaxation, chatting and fun.  Cozy house, warm happy times with family and friends.  So grateful !

Posted by Picasa  Menu:  Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Sweet Potato Pie, Stuffing, Relish tray, Green Bean Casserole, Rolls, A special French Dessert and Pies.  Yum!  And amazing apple cider to wash it all down.

After dinner, we did our three kernals activity.  Everyone is given three kernals of corn and everyone expresses 3 things they are grateful for.   It was a warm, happy time.  Even 3 year old Scotty got into telling everyone what he is grateful for.

There was lots of thanks expressed for family, friends, home, freedoms, divine revelation, the Gospel of Jesus Christ,  food, diversity, so many great things, some very original. I wish I had written them all down.

After dinner there were lots of games.  The kids played "Signs" downstairs for probably an hour.  From waht I could tell from all the "hoopin and hollerin" they had a great time. We played Pit and Monopoly got started.    

At the end of the day, there was more pumpkin pie and plain old relaxation, laughter and talk... And Singing around the piano.   It was a wonderful day!
I must say that having Grandma Knudsen with us made the day so special.  Her mere presence anchors us, helps us remember who we really are, where we come from and our hearts beat with gratitude for all the love and learning, lessons she has given to our family for so many years.   It was so delightful to be with her.  Absolutely wonderful to stand next to her and sing around the piano....  precious times.  And dang!  I didn't take a special picture of her...  I need to hire a photographer for these events!  And since that won't happen, I just need to do better.

We also so enjoyed the Genti's.  It was so great to have them with us.  Along with the Schmidt's our wonderful fun cousins.  

And here is a great thought about Gratitude:

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns 
what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, 
chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a
house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of 
our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.