Well, despite my pleadings Michael went ahead and did it anyway:
Michael turned 11!
You know what this means? He is my fourth child and by now I know that I have one more precious year to enjoy this boy as my "little" boy. He isn't so little but things really change when that twelfth birthday comes. My mommy heart aches a little...
(no let's be honest a lot)
Here are 11 things I adore about this boy:
1-Michael is a truly good person. He came that way. Once in awhile, he tries to "act" naughty as if he is trying it out to see how it feels. While he "acts" this way he tries to keep himself from laughing because he knows I'm on to him. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He is a truly nice, considerate, respectful, kind, unselfish person. This is one reason why his friends really like him.
2-Michael has the most unique and creative imagination. This shows up in his artwork and story "books" he writes. His art is so cute and original. Other people notice and adore his artwork as much as I do. I am proud of him.
3-Michael has an amazing sense of humor. This quiet, unassuming boy says some of the most surprisingly funny things at just the right times making all of us laugh.
4-He is the very best friend and buddy Jacob will ever have. Jacob can be feisty and Michael is so nice to him anyway. Is that a blessing or what? These two have a very special bond. I hope that never changes because their close friendship is truly a strength and a blessing to them both.
5-I love how Michael notices everything and takes time to smell the roses. When he is outside he will notice things in nature that we over look because he slows down enough to notice and appreciate the world around him. He reminds his A-type personality Mom to slow down and enjoy... I have come to appreciate his "Michael mode" because he forces me to slow down.
6-Michael is a really good friend. He usually only has one or two close friends at a time. Unfortunately some of his friends have moved away. But he always finds a new friend to replace a friend who moves away. And he really knows how to pick 'em! I am always so impressed with who he spends time with. His friends are all so very nice just like he is.
7-Michael loves technology! One of his favorite things to do is take pictures and create computer animated stories. He is very creative and is the only child in my family who has his own blog. You can check out his blog
6-I love that Michael has caught onto the fun of reading. I love to see him curled up in some corner reading a book.
7-Michael is a blossoming pianist. His creativeness shines through here too. He loves to create his own arrangements of songs he is learning and does such a great job. He especially loves to play jazz and the blues along with his share of the classics. I have loved watching his musical talents grow. He played the piano at Christmas for his 5th grade Christmas program.
8-Although he is outgrowing this (darn!) he has an adorable fascination with dogs and little furry animals. He has loved stuffed animals and enjoys his hamster Bobo. He keeps begging me for guinea pigs, rats (no!), all kinds of doggies and more.
9-He is humble..enough said. What a great trait!
10-He always says, "bye Mom, I love you!" when I drop him off at school.
11-His eyes still sparkle with excitement when I show up to help with something at his school.
We love you Michael!